Friday, October 8, 2010

Giveaway Winners Anounced!

Thank you ever so much to all who entered my drawing, and most especially for reading along, both here and in the magazine. Your kind and supportive comments and emails have been very heartwarming indeed.

In the name of fairness, I've conducted the giveaway in the most scientific way possible. Each name was printed on a slip of paper, folded, and dropped into a favorite little bowl.

 My helpers quarreled about who would choose the winning name...and so I have agreed that each of them might draw a name from the entrants.

Murray insisted on going first, as usual.

He chose...Doris, of I Play Outside The Box

Then it was Edith's turn to sneak in for her pick.
She chose...Nan, of Atticbabys.

Congratulations Ladies! You've both won a copy of the magazine! 
 Please email me at with your mailing address ASAP so you can claim your prize.

Thanks again to all who participated! Until next time...


  1. Congratulations to the 2 winners!! It is an AWESOME Magazine!!! I know you will both enjoy it...especially an article by a certain person......:)!!
    Your helpers are SO ADORABLE Rhonda and did a great job!! I LOVE the picture of Murray!! He was SO HOPING you approved!!! Well done Murray and Edith!!
    Hoping all is going well and know that I owe you an email soon!!
    Blessings Dear Friend~


  2. Congrats Doris and Nan! What a terrific win!

  3. OH MY....I'm just tickled pink!!!! Good boy Murray...please give that baby a hug for me...and Edith too!!! Ü Thanks so much Rhonda!!!

  4. Congratulations on your wins and what a fair and scientific way for this drawing!!

  5. Xmas in October!! Yippeeeee !
    Thankyou so much Rhonda!
    Can your sweet little helpers personally
    deliver it to me? LOL!
    ♥ Nan

  6. Congratulations Nan and Doris! Rhonda, how cute to have your puppy dogs pull the names. They are so sweet looking. Precious! ~Laura

  7. Hey, thanks for stoppin' by...I'm in love with your dogs!!! There is nothin' cuter than a corgy puppy, I'd have one if it wasn't for the shedding. Been a groomer for 35 years, so a Cairn was my pooch of choice, low maintenance...ha!

    Love the spice drawers, especially with a bit of blue showing through...I love Briwax too!!!

